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Jews Behind NRx (Part 2): Curtis Yarvin & Wolf Tivy


Jews Behind NRx (Part 2): Curtis Yarvin & Wolf Tivy

  Frank Wunder 

Part 1 of this series was a very brief introduction to the Jewish internet movement of Neoreaction (NRx). This essay will be more encompassing in its scope and more rich link- and citation-wise, due to vastly reduced time constraints. In this part I will present two “heroes” of this organization, what they’re up to, and the methods they would utilize to hijack your consciousness and fill it with sheer nonsense.

Curtis Yarvin

With no further elaboration, let’s meet our first hero, the formerly prolific Jewish blogger Curtis Guy Yarvin, from San Francisco, who is the uncontested founder of NRx and its most esteemed pseudo-intellectual, and writes under the pseudonym “Mencious Moldbug” in his Unqualified Reservations blog. Yarvin has been a zealous advocate of various elitist ideologies meant to dissuade Gentiles from ever mounting a serious challenge to Jewish international hegemony, such as neocameralism (often associated with autism even by other members of NRx) or outright Monarchism. His magnum opus, however, was a blog post wherein he outlined the “optimal future” for the Goyim, whom he considers so far beneath him that he’s quite possibly the most conceited, narcissistic Jew who ever lived (which does not preclude myriads of Shabbos Goyim from worshiping at his warty feet). In this post, Yarvin has speculated what it would be like if California became a Monarchy. I have no desire to bore you with this inane and ridiculous garbage, but finally, after outlining this absolutely incredible scenario, Curtis stumbles into a “dire problem“:

The Dire Problem is that, while all the land in California is of positive value (since, for all its faults, the environmental stewardship of the late USG 4 was excellent), the same cannot be said for its population. No king would allow his population quality to sink to such a state; no king has reigned in California for almost two centuries.

Many Californians – most Californians – are assets. That is: productive citizens, or children who will grow up and become productive citizens. Their place is the left side of the balance sheet. Their presence in California increases California’s productive power, and thus its value as a financial asset.

As the King begins the transition from democracy, however, he sees at once that many Californians – certainly millions – are financial liabilities. These are unproductive citizens. Their place on the balance sheet is on the right. To put it crudely, a ten-cent bullet in the nape of each neck would send California’s market capitalization soaring – often by a cool million per neck.

And we are just getting started. The ex-subject can then be dissected for his organs. Do you know what organs are worth? This is profit!

Whatever your thoughts are on California’s population, it is clear that the soulless Jew Yarvin supports a system of governance that treats its subjects — all its subjects — solely in terms of their economic value. If grandma has become a “liability”, it is time to put a bullet in her neck, so as not to lose precious shekels. An essentially Jewish thought-process if there ever was one.

Curtis Yarvin

After rejecting the systemic extermination of all grandmas throughout the kingdom on various grounds, Yarvin arrives at the following Dystopian proposition:

Thus the Virtual Option – our humane alternative to genocide. Under the Virtual Option, the King does not round up the slum dwellers and execute them with captive-bolt pistols. The King condemns the slum, clears it, and requires all its former residents to obtain civilized housing. If a human being cannot support himself in a civilized manner in the King’s economy, which has been carefully tweaked to match labor demand to labor supply, the King does not provide a “safety net” in the 20th-century style, in which he may lounge, sag, bob and fester forever. No – then, it is time for the Virtual Option.

If you accept the Virtual Option – always a voluntary decision, even if you have no other viable options – California will house, feed and care for you indefinitely. It will also provide you with a rich, fulfilling life offering every opportunity to obtain dignity, respect and even social status. However, this life will be a virtual life. In your real life, your freedom will be extremely restricted: to the point of imprisonment. You may even be sealed in a pod.

The result is that the ward (a) disappears from society, and (b) retains or (hopefully) increases his level of dignity and fulfillment. He remains a financial liability, because it is still necessary to prepare his meals and maintain his pod. But other residents of California no longer feel menaced by his presence. For he is no longer present among them.

To make the Virtual Option work, of course, a virtual life must provide real human dignity. This technology is not at present available, or anywhere close. Let us inquire into the matter. …

In the real world, meaning and purpose are hard to find. In the virtual world, they are trivial to invent. Go slay an dragon, or illuminate a manuscript, or accumulate a golden hoard. The dragon is a data structure, the manuscript could be illuminated in PDF, the golden hoard is a mere integer. All this meaning is makework – invention. Its real meaning: nil. So what? It feels real, and this is sufficient for dignity.

The pod, of course, will need an all-around sensory upgrade. Immersive audio and video are requirements. Haptic interfaces are essential for high-dexterity work with tools, instruments and weapons. Mechanical sexual stimulation is a no-brainer. And why not drugs? The virtualized ward is hardly about to go out and drive while intoxicated. The Dionysian experience, too, is a part of human dignity.

But life is not just about pleasure. It is about hard work and struggle and pain. A pair of pedals hooked up to a generator provides hard work – if your virtual job is pulling a rickshaw, you have to pull that rickshaw; if you are running from a dragon, you need to run. Harmless but intense artificial pain is easily produced. And most daring, is true death possible in virtual reality? For those with the need to risk their lives – bravery, too, is essentially human – a small needle will relieve them of the burden if they gamble and fail.

The mere existence of a population locked in to the virtual world, whether by direct compulsion or practical necessity, makes the game into reality. Reality is anything you can’t leave. The feeling of intensity, in such a game, will be beyond anything World of Warcraft can imagine. Indeed, the free yeoman may well pay liberally to vacation in this world, a Middle-Earth with real orcs.

And the real world, outside it, is unencumbered by the semi-human detritus of the insane democratic experiment with massive dysgenic reproduction. Instead, the lush and varied Monegasque landscape of Royal California, populated entirely by civilized and productive human beings, will be punctuated by occasional strange towers: pod racks. Even these can be in the desert, where no one but the lizards will have to look at them.

This is the Virtual Option: the translation of the underclass to cyberspace. All around the world, anywhere there is a slum with an XBox in it, the Virtual Option is taking shape. King or no King, soon it will be real. Men will say: now, we can see the Dire Problem, and our hearts remain at rest. For we have seen the worst-case scenario, and we are prepared to apply it. Pod racks! The ultimate reactionary answer to the entire social question.

Could we all end up in a videogame? Remember, as the power of the machines increases, the demand for human labor at every intellectual level decreases. If the last two brains on earth are mine and Terence Tao’s, I know who’s getting virtualized first. Of course, at this point we would be ceding mastery to some evil machine intelligence that wanted to rule the planet and dispatch its last human overseers. Finally, we have descended too far into fantasy – not that the problem is uninteresting, just underspecified.

But my conscience feels clear in proposing this solution, because I feel it would be entirely possible to build a virtual reality in which a person such as myself would maintain human dignity. After all, there’s a reason I stopped playing videogames: I find them absorbing. Just about everyone does, crude and primitive as the games of 2009 (or, heck, 1989) are. And the smaller the mind, the more easily absorbed.

This is one helluva creepy vision right here. It seems Yarvin has gotten the wrong massage from Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. This obnoxious, eerie screed also verifies Adolf Hitler’s observation that after the Jews neutralize all of humanity, they will commence cannibalizing one another. This is precisely what is seen here: Yarvin wants everyone, including eventually himself, to be locked into a Matrix. The founder of NRx has spoken! However, his grotesque drivel betrays an important facet of the Jewish personality: lack of imagination. Just to demonstrate this typically Jewish short-sightedness (myopia): if the technology exists to lock grandma inside a Matrix forever, wouldn’t there, in all likelihood, also exist a technology to increase the IQ and behavioral, moral, and physical qualities of all humans so that there wouldn’t even be any reason to lock grandma inside a Matrix forever? Yarvin claims to be smart, but in this “masterpiece of mental aberration” he couldn’t even conceive of such a development. Jews have severely diminished creativity, and it shows.

What else has the twisted Jew revealed about his design for humanity? A brief quote would suffice:

Moving on: to the Jews. Obviously this is a favorite subject here at UR, which is a pro-Jew blog and always has been… The road to the New State is long, long, long, and we have barely started down it. But we know one thing: the New State will be a Jew State. Or at least, it will be chock-full of Jews. (And of Tamil Brahmins, for the same reason.)

Yarvin envisions a multi-racial “New State” dominated by his own Tribe. He established his internet movement to ensure the Goyim would not dare protest against their own subjugation under this totalitarian prison. Imagine a shrill Jewish voice whispering in your ear that “the New State is a Jew State” – forever. As the ever-prescient Adolf Hitler has remarked: Israel would have no definite borders, since it would have no need for them, being an illegal international occupation entity. That’s the Judeo-Reactionary utopia condensed.

I believe we’re done, at least for now, surveying the dark mind of the NRx wannabe Monarch. This was just the tip of the iceberg, yet it’s enough material to last a dozen nightmares. Let’s move on.


Wolf Tivy

Our next “hero”, named Wolf Tivy, is a prototypical Shabbos Goy. This person is the official, public leader of the Hestia Society for Social Studies, a NRx coalition of thinkers bent on the subversion of the Far Right, andSocial Matter, a NRx group blog, though he used to write under different pseudonyms, the main ones being Nyan Sandwich and Warg Franklin. His phenotype is undeniably White, which makes him a race-traitor and a biological cuckold. Unsurprisingly, he is a literal cuckold as well, and admitted as such on various occasions. For instance, on Scott Alexander’s (a notorious, perverted Jewish psychiatrist) blog, Wolf has revealed:

You underestimate the power of social pressure. When a significant fraction of your peers are telling you that your jealousy is evil, and no one is standing up to them, and your partner is pushing hard to be allowed to f**k other men, and your entire cultural heritage has been systematically emasculated, and you’re generally not an assertive guy… Well, polyamory happens in those conditions.

I don’t even think it’s best explained in terms of quirks of the individuals involved; they are just responding to ambient social conditions, which is just the usual “zeitgeist”. Once the poly meme exists, it will capture people with the above listed characteristics.

By the way, my tone is bitter experience, not outsider contempt.

If that was not explicit enough, here comes an unambiguous admission:

I silently suffered through poly and offered my reluctant “consent” because I didn’t have a philosophical basis on which to defensibly say “no”. It still hurt, and still had exactly the result heartiste [a PUA blogger. – FW] would have predicted.

It doesn’t help that people (eg, you) are throwing a lot of philosophical weight behind the delegitimization of jealousy.


A person who allows social pressure to convince him that cuckoldry is a legitimate, desirable way of life: can he be a leader of anything? With the NRx types, everything is possible. Hopefully, when people discover what kind of people are behind this movement of forced Judaization, they will not be tempted to join it, but would rather keep a safe distance. Now you may think: “okay, this Wolf dude allowed his girlfriend to be embraced by other men, but well, everyone makes mistakes sometimes.” However, it only gets worse: Wolf has admitted to being attracted to men:

I think it’s an interesting idea that opposition to homosexual propaganda will correlate with sexual plasticity if not outright repressed homosexuality.

I, for one, have a reasonably plastic sexuality and have bounced around between various weird attractions largely as a result of actual deviant propaganda.

Pic of Jew psychiatrist Scott Alexander, from his facebook page
Pic of Jew psychiatrist Scott Alexander, from his facebook page

People would really tell everything to their Jewish psychiatrists, even in a public forum, wouldn’t they? But what about ideology; what does Wolf promote on his blog? Here’s a taste from an article of 2015, titled “The Protestant Problem“:

This is not meant to be a triumphalist piece, rather an analysis of the link between Progressivism and Protestantism. Whilst many people on the right are concerned (nay obsessed) about the Jews, it is my opinion that this is a distraction. A far more serious matter in my opinion, is the relationship between Protestantism and Progressivism.

The tradition of Curtis Yarvin is thus maintained by these agents of misdirection, who would shift blame away from the Jews at all costs, even if that requires entering the strange territory known as “absurdistan”. Wolf and his colleagues would have you believe that Jews are a mere “distraction” and that the “serious matter” lies with innocent White people, usually Protestants of various denominations. Another article, this time from 2014, begins with the following:

I am seeing white nationalism and Nazi imagery picking up steam in edgy trendsetting intellectual circles, and am worried that it might actually have a political future. Here I’ll explain what I think is happening and what the implications are.

From here it can only go downhill:

That White Nationalism has quite a bit of evil baggage involving gassing various subpopulations, and no particular track-record of stable long-term beneficial rule is obviously the major problem here, but not at all a barrier to its adoption if white outgroup altruism breaks down and the fashions shift.

Of course that still looks like a rather improbable outcome; White Nationalism is still thoroughly outside the overton window in the mainstream. But these things can change quickly if there is a driving unrest, and WN has rapidly returned to the overton window and become quite fashionable in some circles.

Thus the political project for those of us who are not either rabid progressives or White Nationalists, is to construct a viable alternative to progressivism that is sufficiently aesthetic, coherent, and actually functional, that smart family men, business leaders, edgy youth, and serious philosophers can jump ship without another holocaust or dark age…

Something born of Neoreaction… is likely the only serious non-evil contender.

This is what the NRxerds desire: the complete decimation of White Nationalism, to be achieved by establishing a “superior” alternative in the form of the Neoreactionary movement. As White Nationalists, it is our obligation to resist this nefarious movement and expose its machinations, chicanery, and wile. Right now, as you’re reading this article and being exposed to a conspiracy to annihilate populist sentiments among Whites and to enshrine Jewish dominion forever, Wolf Tivy and his gang composed of Jews and Shabbos Goyim are busy chasing rich donors to fund their organization. It is a moral duty to stop them and discredit their pernicious ideology before anyone consents to sponsor their cult. Fortunately, Wolf’s tumblr contains such vile material, that no one could take him seriously after reading any of it. Some excerpts, via 8chan:

Talking to lots of girls while consciously trying to apply Game principles.

Attempted standard Krauser situational opener, heavily bastardized by nervousness and lack of confidence. “Do you speak english? I saw you girls over here having all sorts of fun and just had to come see what you are doing. Where are you from? Tourists?” etc. By the time I had got there and opened, there was only the semi-cute one, absorbed in taking pictures of her very cute friend who was prancing around farther away.

For those unfamiliar, Game is an immoral Jewish PUA (pick-up artist) scam designed to trick women into sleeping promiscuously with strange men; Krauser is a prominent member of the PUA community. In the link provided here, it is revealed that all the original PUAs were Jews. Like pornographers, the PUA Jews use the debasement of sexual morality to prevent Whites from reproducing, compelling their costumers to confine themselves to the degrading world of promiscuous sex instead of entering, like all adults should, the rewarding world of monogamous marriage. Wolf, irredeemably brainwashed by the Jews, and probably an enthusiastic participant given his sexual deviations, promotes the baneful PUA lifestyle. Later on the NRx leader would reveal:

I have major emotional swings sometimes. Sometimes I’m happy and on top of the world, other times horribly depressed. Sometimes I’m deeply in love with my wife, and then a day later I’m saying mean things and kicking her out of the house. The swings usually don’t last very long, and the overall condition is on and off; sometimes I’m stable for months, sometimes I’m all over the place. This is really hard for my wife to deal with.

I can be very narcissistic. I think I’m awesome a lot of the time, and I want to take over the world. I am proud of this and consider it to be a feature, thank you very much.

I think of other people in cynical and utilitarian ways (like “how is this person useful to me?”) that often f**k things up when others find out. In principle, I should be able to maintain genuine relationships on top of this framework, but that doesn’t seem to be true in practice.

I process emotional issues in a faster and more “spock-like” way than other people sometimes (at least apparently; the emotions often crop up again later), which has caused people to reject me as an emotionless alien.

I often find myself planning or executing bad emotional behaviors for attention-seeking impact. This is hard to admit but it is what it is. This very document, for example…

When I’m horny, I seem to have a fetish for things that play to my insecurities. This causes all kinds of trouble when I sober up and have to face my insecurities. This precipitates large emotional episodes.

I often impulsively say or do callous and damaging things to my friends. This even ranged into violence when I was younger. I f**ked up at least one really high-value friendship with pointless violence. (Don’t worry, these days I just make harsh insensitive comments.)

I forget to do nice things for my wife and other friends, and basically just take those relationships for granted. This causes all sorts of trouble.

I have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Everyone else in my immediate family has similar problems; crazy emotional issues that require medication, caustic personalities with blame issues and emotional swings, dysfunctional neuroticism, etc.

We don’t know if he practiced “Game” when already married to his wife or not. Even granting him the benefit of the doubt, this person is in no way fit to lead a right-wing movement; but the Jews have crowned him a leader and entrusted him with organizational authority (as noted by professor Kevin MacDonald, Jews often pick Goyim, particularly feeble and malleable Goyim with a closet full of skeletons such as Wolf, to head their movements). Eventually it comes down to this:

Officially separated from my wife. This has been coming a while, and is entirely my fault… With that out of the way, I’m now on the prowl for new females. Studying Game in a half-assed sort of way.

These words speak for themselves. Wolf Tivy and his crew practice a dual strategy: publicly, they write articles exhorting White people to renounce their White identity and instead consciously, gleefully embrace the dictatorship of the Jew; while in private, they court influential figures whom they believe to be sympathetic to the Far Right for donations, funding, sponsorship, and various forms of assistance. As an explicitly elitist movement, they disavow populism and popular support, opting instead to act like Jews (which is what most of them actually are) and maneuver their way into the milieu of the rich and the powerful.

I will conclude this article with a warning: if you don’t do your utmost to resist subjugation, you will be devoured. Till next time…

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